Monday 6 October 2008

Results of polls

60% were not happy with the rates of pay for overtime.
74% think that the current rates of pay are not fair or reasonable.
60% thought the representation they are getting from the union is poor. 40% thought it is average. 18 People said they do not trust the union!

This is our union, the work force. What would you like us to do for you? I'm trying to keep my collegues informed with all the latest happenings in health and safety and union matters such as the pay deal pension etc. It will only change if you use your voice and let people know whats bothering you.
I'd like people from other shifts/departments to join me in running this site so we have more than a "C" shift tug drivers opinion. If you're interested email me.

"C" shift reps are meeting on Friday. Have you anything that you'd like me to raise? Email me.

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