Tuesday 1 September 2009

SIPTU welcomes small measure of progress in talks on Marine Terminals dispute at LRC

“A very small amount of progress was made today in talks at the Labour Relations Commission with Marine Terminals”, SIPTU Regional Secretary Christy McQuillan said today after over seven hours of talks. The LRC invited both sides to talks in an effort to end the nine week long strike, sparked by the company’s attempt to implement mass redundancies and drastic cuts in pay and conditions unilaterally.
“The progress was limited but sufficient to warrant resumption of talks, possibly as early as Thursday and no later than Monday”, Mr McQuillan said. “Meanwhile both parties need to reflect on the discussions at the LRC and respond in detail to the particular issues that emerged.”
Responding the Marine Terminals statement about alleged intimidation, Mr. McQuillan said, “SIPTU does not condone intimidation by anyone. I understand from the media that the company has initiated legal proceedings against a number of trade unionists, including members of SIPTU and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. As we have not yet received any particulars we are not in a position to respond, but we will certainly do so in due course.”


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